At this year’s Annual General Meeting of British Dressage (AGM), to be held on 20 September 2018, it is proposed that new articles of association are adopted. Notice of the AGM was issued on 22 June 2018 and details of the new articles of association were uploaded onto British Dressage’s website on 10 July 2018.
As a result of feedback received from members of British Dressage, the BD Board of Directors have agreed to some further changes to the new articles of association. The final articles of association (to be adopted at the AGM), plus a comparison (showing all the proposed changes to be made to the existing articles of association) are now available on the British Dressage website (updated 17 August 2018), by following the links below.
Articles of Association of British Dressage
Comparison showing proposed changes
Source: BritishDressage